Working Remotely – Should the Team Be Allowed To Work From Home?

It’s surprising to see how long it takes for an old, bad habit to die out. The resistance to allowing people to work from home is one that we should have been over a long time ago. The knee jerk reaction to this subject is mostly the result of management ideas that are holdovers from [...]

2017-01-25T13:02:15+00:00Categories: Enlightened PM, Management, Workplace Culture|Tags: |0 Comments

Breaking the Chains of Cubicle Slavery

 The next time you’re sitting in traffic on your way to or from work take a look around you. Half of the people sitting there with you don’t need to be there. You’re all stuck in traffic because as a society we insist that everyone arrive at the office at 8:00 AM and leave the [...]

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