Self Help

Time is Much More Than Money – Spend Yours Wisely

As we get older we become more aware of certain things. For me, one of those things is the finite quality of time. I now seem to be more aware that the time I have left to live is limited (hopefully not severely limited, but limited just the same). With that realization I now pay [...]

2017-03-15T13:35:57+00:00Categories: Enlightened PM, Self Help|Tags: |0 Comments

Teach to Learn – The Benefits of Teaching Others What You Know

As I write this, I’m sitting here wrapping up day four of a four-day exam prep workshop that I regularly teach. Today my students are taking their four-hour mock exam, which gives me some time to catch up on a few things. One thing that always occurs to me on this fourth day is how [...]

2017-02-21T20:26:24+00:00Categories: Career, Inspirational, Self Help|1 Comment

The Power of Giving Back – How Volunteering Can Benefit Your Career and Your Personal Life

With the holidays fast approaching I thought this would be a great time to address the subject of volunteerism. Volunteering is rewarding on many levels. On the personal level it provides an opportunity to pursue areas of interest and to help others. On the professional level volunteering allows those of us who are more experienced [...]

2016-11-23T16:50:56+00:00Categories: Career, Enlightened PM, Self Help|Tags: , |0 Comments

Six Degrees of Separation – You Have More Influence Than You Think

Six Degrees of Separation. Most of you have probably heard this phrase before. Some of you may remember a game from your college days involving this phrase and Kevin Bacon. For those who don’t fall into either category we have some information. The phrase basically promotes the theory that we are all separated from one [...]

Why Does It Take Bob So Long to Get to the Point? – Inductive/Deductive Communicators

Have you known people who seem to take forever to get to the point of their conversation? Do you think people have noticed that about you? Don’t panic, you’re ok. We all have general tendencies regarding how we think and communicate. These tendencies are neither good nor bad They are not carved in stone. Understanding [...]

Explanatory Style – How to More Quickly Recover From Setbacks

We all suffer setbacks at work (and in life) from time to time. Have you ever noticed how some people seem to bounce back quickly while others fall into a tailspin and take much longer to recover? Understanding how you react to setbacks will enable you to put yourself in the group that recovers quickly [...]

Building a Diverse Network – The Importance of Weak-Tie Relationships to Professional and Personal Success

Congratulations! If you’ve made it through that title to this point I promise you’ll be rewarded with some interesting and valuable content. Networking is probably one of the most overused terms that we hear in the workplace. Yet building a diverse network is critical to success in both your professional and personal life. Let’s take [...]

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